Solstice Son

Life, Love, and a Pup

Published by Deb under on 2:17 PM

Week 4/5

Published by Deb under on 7:05 PM
He is growing soooooo fast! The training is going very well - better than we thought. Today he has worked on c'mere and wait some more. The c'mere is working better than "come" so it stuck. We had to move his run to another area as we found a tick in his ear this afternoon after he spent some time under the "pretty" bush (not sure what kind of bush it is). We pinpointed after we downloaded the pictures and compared his ear. It was only a little tick and had not burrowed yet. Time to get a collar. After the thunderstorms tonight/tomorrow - I will be spraying the yard...was hoping to hold off until later in the month - but not going to risk it!

He is still the joy of our days! Trying at times - but damn if he doesn't make up for it by making us laugh 10 seconds later. Not conducive to say no when he's trying to run away and trips over the cat!

Here are the latest pictures!

Solstice "Soul" Son - Photo Album

Trying Week for Family - Soul Proves His Worth!

Published by Deb under on 3:43 AM
We lost a very close friend this week - very unexpectedly. Mike has been Brian's best friend for the past 18 years and was a very important part of our family. It has been a week of trials and tribulations as we try to deal with the fact that he is no longer going to come through our door, play with the pup, and spend time hanging out with us.

Yesterday after the memorial service - I found out that we had accidently overdrawn our checking account - due to my not paying attention to what day it was and transferring funds to cover auto pays. It was the "icing" on the cake and I finally broke down and lost it in the middle of the kitchen floor. Soul had been running around chasing the cat and as soon as I slid down to the floor - he stopped and cocked his head to the side...he then cautiously walked up to me, climbed into my lap and put a front paw on each side of my neck and proceeded to slowly lick each tear from my face. No biting, no nipping - just very calming kisses. When I finally calmed down - he laid his head on my shoulder and just "was there".

Now, what I miss the most about Meekos is his ability to know when I needed a "hug and a kiss". As Soul is so much still a puppy - often his hugs and kisses turn into a bite fest. Not this time. Before he walked away from me he turned around with those big 'ole baby blues and I saw concern in his eyes...when I told him I was okay - he retreated to his bed and just watched me as I finished dinner. WOW...

Have I mentioned how much a blessing this little guy has been to us? Thank you again, Kim and everyone at Song Dog Kennels...AI dogs RULE!

New pics:

Published by Deb under on 8:26 PM

Update - 8 days In

Published by Deb under on 6:13 PM

So all is well - and Soul has become very comfortable in our home and as a new member of our pack!

The potty training is going well - today he went to the door three times and whined to go out. Last night he made it through the night outside of his crate with no accidents!! A little while ago, as we sat on the deck and he was inside sleeping - he awoke and grabbed his leash and yipped at us to let him out! This pup is pure intelligence and I am thoroughly impressed!!

He is a little biter - working on it! We have broken him of chewing on our toes after he almost took off one of my little ones! He has also been broken of eating the cats food - so much so that he detours it to get to his food by going under the table and through the chairs! Oops - that might have been overkill!

He went to Marshall to visit his outlying pack this past weekend and wore himself out. Travel in the crate was a little trying - but after a few minutes - just like a baby who only is pacified in the car - he was out like a light.

He's found his little puppy bark this week - and has tried it out on some very strange things. Barked at Bri's bowl of macaroni, at his toy in the middle of the floor (as he looked at it like it was an alien), at the TV when a commercial for Zyrtec came on, and at the cat. Just little gruff barks - almost silent but he gets a big head each time he does it.

Soul had his first pontoon ride yesterday and loved it. We had to hold him back from jumping in though - he really is curious about the water and we deemed it too cold at the moment (not quite 50 degrees yet) for a swim!

It's been a good week and the pictures and vids keep coming! WE sooooooo love our little guy!!

Week 1 Wrap Up with Soul

Published by Deb under on 12:21 PM
I will add more later...for now, enjoy the slideshow!

Picture Video

Published by Deb under on 5:29 AM

Day 3: A Late-Nite Dip and Stalking the Cat!

Published by Deb under , , , on 8:23 PM
Well the last 24 hours have been exciting! Late last night Soul had to make a "potty" run - so out the back door we went. Have I mentioned that the hubby has yet to place any light other than solar lights on the deck and in the lakeside yard?

Well Soul took off for his regular area where he takes care of business...and I was on the phone with my girl Shana when all of a sudden he disappeared from under the tree and I couldn't see him! I immediately started to panic thinking he had run for the front of the house and toward the road...or perhaps toward the lake? I hollered his name a few times, clapped my hands, and then told Shana to hold on just as I heard a large splash...

Yes - Solstice had decided to take a little "midnight" dip! As he came bounding up the hill at a pace such as that of having the devil on his tail...I am assuming it wasn't one that he planned! :-) You see, the lake is at the bottom of a little hill and he has been bound and determined to roll down it several times. During the daylight hours, it is easy to stop night...well as we found not so!

He was none worse for the wear except for some wet, soggy channel sludge stuck to his belly and I guess it taught us both a lesson as now when the lights go out - we use the leash!

Today was a tiring day - as I am a little under the weather...and Soul is not! Full of spit and vinegar - he decided that nothing was going to wear him out! So after three jogs around the house, a rambunctious game of ball, and a small tug of war involving my new Aero jeans and shoestrings...we both laid down on the floor (he in his crate and me in front of it) and crashed...that was before noon.

Round 2: Well Geddy Lee (the resident feline) has decided he really likes his new brother...especially when he gnaws on his neck and scratches his ears. When Geddy gets tired of Soul's play or Soul gets a little too dominant...a quick left and then a right (he's declawed) sends little bro rolling. What is great (and I'm trying to get it on video) is the way Soul stalks the cat. He perks his little ears up, lays close to the floor and pretty much pulls an Elmer Fudd (Be vewy vewy quiet...type of thing) before he pounces! Freaking awesome!

Lesson today: Leash training. More Soul walking me with the leash proudly held in his mouth. The prance is another need to catch on video!

Picture video to come soon!!!

Day 2

Published by Deb under on 11:34 AM

It has been a wild experience getting to know our little guy! He is so intelligent and intuitive - amazingly so!

Last night he was up and rowdy until about 1:00 a.m. and I finally couldn't keep my eyes open any I picked him up, raised Brian from the dead off the couch, and we headed to bed. We considered the crate for the first night - but the singing was not conducive to our sleep - so into the bed he went with us. He situated himself at the end of the bed with Geddy Lee (our HUGE cat) and they slept together looking out the window.

He had a little accident in the middle of the night - not a big one - but a cold awakening at 4:00 a.m. LOL...

At about 4:30 a.m. Brian got up with him (he was running around the bed...Soul not Brian!) and took him out. No accidents since!

He has learned to roll the cat and is fitting in wonderfully. We are now going outdoors to work on the boundary training!

More later!

He's Here!!!!

Published by Deb under , , on 8:58 PM

OMG OMG OMG... He is everything everyone claimed he would be and MORE!

After a brief panic while checking the tracking on "Soul" (that name is sticking and he knows it all ready...WOW) - they had him on the wrong flight coming into South Bend (he would have been stuck in Cincinnati for 6 hours) - he arrived on time! As soon as we got him out of the airport and to the truck - he began showing his little personality. First Brian's shoelaces, then he tried to find mine (had them tucked into my shoes)...then he started wagging that little tail and his energy went WHAM...he is a little firecracker. In fact, right now I am trying to type and he thinks its a game to bite my fingers.

On the 1 1/2 hour drive home he cried a little and then crashed out in the crook of my arm and slept the entire ride. At home he had a blast checking out every corner of the house and decided he liked the taste of the "seaweed" our dad-in-law had drudged out of the lake today. We will have to break him of that one.

Off he ran after Brian - one call of his name and BAM - like a little lightening bolt he took off and ran around chasing the hubby! It was great. I am not sure I have laughed this hard in a very long time...Thank you, Song Dog kennels and all who participated in getting the little guy to us!

We got in the house finally (took two times of coaxing and he now manages the steps VERY well) and he went directly for the cats food bowl. So we loaded up his bowl and he chowed down (we only gave him a little at a time - weren't sure when he had ate last). Then he decided to check out our cat (who is twice his size)!

After about 15 minutes he went to the door and did a little dance (he spun around in circles) and cried - out we went and he did his duty and then right back up the steps! WOW...I am amazed!!! Truly amazed!!

One little accident while I tried to find my jacket about 10 pm tonight - but other than that - three times at the door doing a little dance and yipping and out he goes...WOW...

I will post more tomorrow on the blog. Let's just say he is fitting in VERY well. The cat has shown him whose boss in the sleeping area and Soul has shown the cat that the crate is his...a cute standoff.

He has dragged two chew rag bones and his blankie that I made him to the middle of the floor and put them in a pile. He has climbed on the back of the couch and slept with his head on Brian's shoulder and right now he just took a big sigh and crashed on my leg.

We love him - he is a little prankster and will keep us busy. Just what we wanted! OH and his eyes...WOW...

Today is the Day!!

Published by Deb under , on 2:51 AM
Our long wait and tons of patience is paying off today. Solstice Son is being placed on the "silver stork" at 6:15 a.m. and flying into South Bend Regional Airport by 5:43 p.m. Our little guy will make a stop in Salt Lake City, UT and Cincinnati, OH before arriving in South Bend, IN. As soon as we pick him up and get home, we will post pics and videos!!! Excited is an understatement!

Allison and Kim have told me that he is a little bundle of energy - is very vocal when he is in his crate - and likes to untie shoes! Woooo hooo!

His little bed is ready, we will pick up some "extras" today on our way to the airport (his doggy bowl has not arrived yet, so we need to get an extra one), and have a great day hanging out together as we wait for him. We offered to let Briana come with us, but she doesn't want to miss her soccer game - so Mom and Dad Ash are taking over soccer duty today! It's going to be a day trip for us - figure we can bum around SB while we wait for his flight!

More later!!!

Song Dog Kennels

Published by Deb under , on 4:15 AM


Published by Deb under on 10:33 AM
Well - we are now in countdown mode...Solsti will be here sometime in the next week or so and we could not be more happy! Watch for video from the airport and tons of pictures! Yes - I am a little obsessed but it has been a bad week for missing my Buppas...

May I Introduce You To...

Published by Deb under on 3:22 PM

Solstice Son Ash

DOB: March 22, 2009

Arriving: Around May 7th, 2009!

Age in Pic: 2-3 weeks


Published by Deb under on 4:16 AM
...until the little guy arrives...and pics will be coming very soon! Kim has chosen our little guy, after a bit of a mix-up! For some reason, he had gotten us mixed up with someone else and thought we wanted a "mellow" pup! Hahahahaha! After a quick email and a whole lot of laughing...he has picked our little guy for us! Can't release pics yet...he likes to wait until he knows which person is getting which puppy for all on the waiting list - but he does tell us that Solsti is the "most enthusiastic male from Echo and Shappa's litter"! Yippppppeeeee! He should be here around the first/second week of May and then it is on! We are up to the challenge and more than ready.

Taking this week to chill - have a few things to do for the charter school - but mainly catching up with family and helping in-laws with their new computers. Will post picture of Solstice as soon as we can!

Busy & Waiting

Published by Deb under on 8:12 AM
...and our little guy should be here in about 23 days or so! YES!! I cannot wait and will post many pictures once we have him in our little human paws! Kim has his eye on two of the pups (color and such)for us and he will know more over the coming week or two as their personalities continue to grow.

As for the life part: It is a busy one! We have submitted our Phase One application to Grand Valley State University and are waiting to hear back from them. For those who do not know it (and we kept it under cover for a while), a group of Capella friends and community members are proposing to open the first virtual charter school in Michigan. This has been a dream of mine ever since I worked with my at-risk students through Upward Bound and it seems it will be coming true! We are working on the grant applications right now, have a community meeting on April 16th at the Colon library (5:30 pm start), and I am keeping very busy with this - presentations, pamphlets, press releases, etc. ...on top of...

Just finished my faculty training (4 weeks) at University of Phoenix and will be teaching at their undergraduate college, Axia, starting the last week of April. I am still teaching at ITT Technical Institute and hope to pick up a few more sections there in there 2nd half of the semester. I love it!

The other major happening in my life is the completion of my proposal for my dissertation. I have gotten feedback and am working on making changes to Chapter 3 now to resubmit to Dr. Sims (aka Dr. Rod, or Aussie) by the middle of the week.

In the meantime, Brian is playing many shows with his death metal band, Ritual Suicide (next show at Oades on May 1st) and will be opening with Tripology (his cover band) on May 8th at Planet Rock for Crazy Train and Halloween.

Briana spent Spring Break with her mom and we missed her like crazy. She came home last night and talked to Brian and I for about 3 hours straight. It's nice to have her home - but she loves to "bag" (her word) on her Dad and I as she is deterred from doing so on the "other" side. We love it and her quick wit is a never ending source of entertainment! She is good (like her dad) at it!

Whew! Back to the real world now - more grading of papers and creating of presentations...I love being busy - keeps me out of trouble and makes the wait for Solstice that much easier!!!

14 Puppies and Growing

Published by Deb under , , on 4:51 AM
Just got the news that Sandy has had her pups now (Papa is Nova) so the total on the ranch is 14! And Necci hasn't given birth yet - so there will be more! I cannot wait...little Solsti is a week old now - which means about 6-7 more before he can come to his new home - but we are SO ready!

On the other front - we have sent off the authorizer application to GVSU and are working on the grant application. We have our temporary school district code and all is flowing well. I did work over 14 hours yesterday - but have decided for the sake of the family to tone it back a few. Brian has his new bike - yes - he got his Trek 6300; and it is Sweeeeetttt! If I prove to him that I'm going to ride this summer, then I can go back and get mine! Not sure though - think I may be getting something more along the lines that Solsti can pull me on...but I did see a great dog bag for a bike that I would love to sit him in!

In my third week of faculty training for University of Phoenix then off into mentorship class and then on my own. Still at ITT teaching 3 sections and working on the good ole' dissertation. Whew...want to get the pup here just so I have an excuse to get outside and play with him!

More to come - hoping Kim sends pics soon! :-)

Solstice Son Born on 3-22-09

Published by Deb under , , on 4:03 AM
We got the news yesterday through the IIDOBA forum that Echo has given birth to 7 pups! There were a few complications, one being due to the cold that has hit Oregon over the past week. This morning I received an email from Kim that reported that all 8 pups are doing well - there was a quick moment when they had to be warmed up - but that they are all nursing and have been moved into a warmer kennel with Mama and all are doing great!!

Okay - I am dancing..Solsti is here! He's come into the world during the 48 hour period after the Spring Solstice and he is well. I am proud of Echo and thank the owners of Song Dog Kennels for their dedication to their dogs and our pup! I am sure it was tiring!

Did I mention that I am ecstatic? Cannot wait for our little guy to be here, giving us little puppy kisses and snuggling with us! Woo hoo!!

Any Day Now!

Published by Deb under on 12:00 AM
We are so excited we can hardly contain ourselves. Echo is due any day now and we are getting Solsti SOON! Kim has told me that he will email me as soon as the puppies are born and we will make arrangements to get him on the plane and to his new home.

Solsti's room is being readied for him - well, okay - it's our bedroom - but it will be puppy friendly! He has a little bed and new blanket, toys, and his own personal food and water bowls. The crate is ready for training and he has a new reflective collar and leash. Brian and I are both eager to get our little guy here and as the Spring Solstice comes closer - it is looking like he will be born VERY close or on the actual day!

Woo Hoo!! Watch for pics...they'll be coming in fast!

Panic Setting In

Published by Deb under on 5:03 AM
As I look through the postings at the International Indian Dog Owners and Breeders Association forums, panic sets in as there are a lot of us on the wait list for a puppy. I do not know if we can wait another 4+ months for a little addition. It seems from my emails with Kim that we are on the list for this litter - but panic is setting in as we thought we were going to get Solstice Son in the last round and ended up not being able to...

It's getting pretty bad when I wake in the middle of the night missing the warmth of my buddies body against my legs as I sleep. Sometimes it is much worse than others, this week - with the stress of trying to get the dissertation done, the charter application in, and looking for supplemental online teaching job - it has been bad. Hubby is a good substitute - but nothing calms me down more than a warm furry head on my lap or a cold nose snuffling my ear!

Official Pregnancy

Published by Deb under on 10:11 AM
Yesterday we got notice from the forum at IIDOBA that Echo has now been moved to the whelping kennel and that Kim is about 95% sure that Sandy is pregnant too - which means she will be moved sometime in the next week or so.

If Kim decides to choose Solstice Son from Echoes litter, we shall have our little guy being born right around the Solstice - which is amazing to me!! Even if we get a Sandy/Nova pup, he will be born the week of the solstice! Woo hoo!!!

Another Breeding!

Published by Deb under on 4:45 AM

Yesterday I found out through the IIDOBA that there has been another breeding - so the three that have been bred are:
Nova x Necci
Nova x Sandy
Shappa x Echo

Woo hoo! The picture comes from Richie and his better half who traveled out to Song Dog Kennels earlier this winter. The AI on the left is Nova, the one in the middle is Shappa, and I am not sure who the one on the right is. It does not matter - I am just so GEEKED that our pup will be here in the next 11 weeks or so!!!!!

Two Breedings - Our Pup

Published by Deb under on 7:46 AM
We got the news that Kim has bred two females and our pup will (more than likely) be born sometime in the next 55 days!!! Woo hoo!!!

News Coming Soon!

Published by Deb under , on 6:47 PM
Just signed into the forum at IIDOBA and there was a posting from a member say Kim had sent her a note stating there would be news soon!!! I am sick and lonely for home and this was some of the best news I have gotten this week. It could mean one of two things - #1 - one of the females has come into heat OR #2 - he witnessed a hook-up and we'll know soon if the Mama took!! Either way, it looks like Solstice Son will be on his way by summer! If one took this week...hmmm...let's do the math: 63 days gestation = birth around March 28th (just in time for Nick's birthday) and then 6-8 more weeks puts him in our arms around May 10th sometime! woooooo hooooo!!!

We need...

Published by Deb under on 6:07 AM
...our puppy! :-0

Brian is getting restless and of course with that comes his paranoid illusions that perhaps the AI Dogs do not really exist! LOL... I have reassured him that this is a process that cannot be rushed but yes - it would have been nice to have little Sol here with us this weekend to play in the snow.

It is on the coldest nights of the year that we miss the extra warmth on our feet - but we are hoping now for a spring baby - and he will be worth all the more because of the wait!

Just wish we could get a letter from the breeder/specialist telling us when or a round about. It is hard to know that we have no clue when our little one will arrive! But we are trying!


Published by Deb under on 6:42 AM
Before I even get going - I know - everything happens for a reason! But we found out this week that we won't be getting Sol anytime soon - the last litter has been spoken for and the last mating did not take. So with the gestation period of our canine friends being about 63 days and then add the 6-8 weeks to that before the pups are ready - even if a female came to be ready this week it would be mid-May before our little guy would arrive...

Sad, depressed, and stuck in Detroit. It would be wonderful to have our little guy up here with me to snuggle with in the cold loneliness of being away from home...yeppers, really missing Meekos' cold nose and warm paws today...

Still Waiting...

Published by Deb under on 7:54 AM
...and it is getting so hard! stocking up on Innova Puppy Chow, natural treats, a great bed and he received many Xmas presents this year! We got new furniture over the holiday break - it is an ongoing contention between hubby and I if Sol will be allowed up or not...we will see (I will win this one - what good is the new furniture if it is not covered with some puppy hair?)!

Hoping to see our little guy before the end of the month - waiting to hear back from the meantime I am enjoying everyone else's postings in the Forum and at the Google Group...big sigh!!!

