Solstice Son

Life, Love, and a Pup

14 Puppies and Growing

Published by Deb under , , on 4:51 AM
Just got the news that Sandy has had her pups now (Papa is Nova) so the total on the ranch is 14! And Necci hasn't given birth yet - so there will be more! I cannot wait...little Solsti is a week old now - which means about 6-7 more before he can come to his new home - but we are SO ready!

On the other front - we have sent off the authorizer application to GVSU and are working on the grant application. We have our temporary school district code and all is flowing well. I did work over 14 hours yesterday - but have decided for the sake of the family to tone it back a few. Brian has his new bike - yes - he got his Trek 6300; and it is Sweeeeetttt! If I prove to him that I'm going to ride this summer, then I can go back and get mine! Not sure though - think I may be getting something more along the lines that Solsti can pull me on...but I did see a great dog bag for a bike that I would love to sit him in!

In my third week of faculty training for University of Phoenix then off into mentorship class and then on my own. Still at ITT teaching 3 sections and working on the good ole' dissertation. Whew...want to get the pup here just so I have an excuse to get outside and play with him!

More to come - hoping Kim sends pics soon! :-)

Solstice Son Born on 3-22-09

Published by Deb under , , on 4:03 AM
We got the news yesterday through the IIDOBA forum that Echo has given birth to 7 pups! There were a few complications, one being due to the cold that has hit Oregon over the past week. This morning I received an email from Kim that reported that all 8 pups are doing well - there was a quick moment when they had to be warmed up - but that they are all nursing and have been moved into a warmer kennel with Mama and all are doing great!!

Okay - I am dancing..Solsti is here! He's come into the world during the 48 hour period after the Spring Solstice and he is well. I am proud of Echo and thank the owners of Song Dog Kennels for their dedication to their dogs and our pup! I am sure it was tiring!

Did I mention that I am ecstatic? Cannot wait for our little guy to be here, giving us little puppy kisses and snuggling with us! Woo hoo!!

Any Day Now!

Published by Deb under on 12:00 AM
We are so excited we can hardly contain ourselves. Echo is due any day now and we are getting Solsti SOON! Kim has told me that he will email me as soon as the puppies are born and we will make arrangements to get him on the plane and to his new home.

Solsti's room is being readied for him - well, okay - it's our bedroom - but it will be puppy friendly! He has a little bed and new blanket, toys, and his own personal food and water bowls. The crate is ready for training and he has a new reflective collar and leash. Brian and I are both eager to get our little guy here and as the Spring Solstice comes closer - it is looking like he will be born VERY close or on the actual day!

Woo Hoo!! Watch for pics...they'll be coming in fast!

Panic Setting In

Published by Deb under on 5:03 AM
As I look through the postings at the International Indian Dog Owners and Breeders Association forums, panic sets in as there are a lot of us on the wait list for a puppy. I do not know if we can wait another 4+ months for a little addition. It seems from my emails with Kim that we are on the list for this litter - but panic is setting in as we thought we were going to get Solstice Son in the last round and ended up not being able to...

It's getting pretty bad when I wake in the middle of the night missing the warmth of my buddies body against my legs as I sleep. Sometimes it is much worse than others, this week - with the stress of trying to get the dissertation done, the charter application in, and looking for supplemental online teaching job - it has been bad. Hubby is a good substitute - but nothing calms me down more than a warm furry head on my lap or a cold nose snuffling my ear!

Official Pregnancy

Published by Deb under on 10:11 AM
Yesterday we got notice from the forum at IIDOBA that Echo has now been moved to the whelping kennel and that Kim is about 95% sure that Sandy is pregnant too - which means she will be moved sometime in the next week or so.

If Kim decides to choose Solstice Son from Echoes litter, we shall have our little guy being born right around the Solstice - which is amazing to me!! Even if we get a Sandy/Nova pup, he will be born the week of the solstice! Woo hoo!!!

